Assumptions of parametric tests pdf

As the name implies, nonparametric tests do not require parametric assumptions because interval data are converted to rankordered data. Thus, in most biological applications, one should always attempt to use a parametric test first. Assumptions for statistical tests real statistics using. Most common significance tests z tests, ttests, and f tests are parametric. However,touseaparametrictest,3parametersofthedata mustbetrueorareassumed.

In the situations where the assumptions are violated, nonparamatric tests are recommended. Nonparametric tests and some data from aphasic speakers. Even if all assumptions are met, research has shown that nonparametric statistical tests are almost as capable of detecting differences among populations as the applicable parametric methods. For almost all of the parametric tests, a normal distribution is assumed for the variable of interest in the data under consideration. Nonparametric analysis methods are essential tools in the black belts analytic toolbox. Nonparametric methods nonparametric statistical tests. The statistics tutors quick guide to commonly used statistical tests. A non parametric statistical test is based on a model that specifies only very general conditions and none regarding the specific form of the distribution from which the sample was drawn. Statistical tests and assumptions easy guides sthda. Nov 25, 2015 t tests are a type of parametric method.

A statistical test, in which specific assumptions are made about the population parameter is known as parametric test. While these nonparametric tests dont assume that the data follow a regular distribution, they do tend to have other ideas and assumptions which can become very difficult to meet. All parametric analyses have assumptions about the underlying data, and these assumptions should be confirmed or assumed with good reason when using these tests. Parametric statistics assume that the variables of interest in the populations of interest can be described by one or more mathematical unknowns. Nonparametric tests make no assumptions about the distribution of the data. Nonparametric tests are distributionfree and, as such, can be used for nonnormal variables. Summary usually, the parametric tests are known to be associated with strict assumptions about the underlying population. Request pdf assumptions in parametric tests usually, the parametric tests are known to be associated with strict assumptions about the underlying population distribution. Parametric tests parametric tests are more robust and for the most part require less data to make a stronger conclusion than nonparametric tests. Parametric and nonparametric statistics phdstudent. Parametric statistical procedures rely on assumptions about the shape of the distribution i. Difference between parametric and nonparametric test with. Parametric and nonparametric statistical tests youtube.

Normality and equal variances so far we have been dealing with parametric hypothesis tests, mainly the different versions of the ttest. Therefore all research, whether for a journal article, thesis, or dissertation, must follow these assumptions for accurate interpretation depending on the parametric. Independence of samples each sample is randomly selected and independent. Sometimes when one of the key assumptions of such a test is violated, a non parametric test can be used instead. A parametric test is a hypothesis testing procedure based on the assumption that observed data are distributed according to some distributions of wellknown. Violation of these assumptions changes the conclusion of the research and interpretation of the results. This is often the assumption that the population data are normally distributed. Wilcoxon signed rank test whitneymannwilcoxon wmw test kruskalwallis kw test friedmans test. Nonparametric methods transportation research board. Assumptions in parametric tests request pdf researchgate. In the situations where the assumptions are violated, nonparamatric tests are. This video explains the differences between parametric and nonparametric statistical tests. A parametric test is a hypothesis testing procedure based on the assumption that observed data are distributed according to some distributions of wellknown form e.

Parametric tests and analogous nonparametric procedures. I today we will see an alternative approach which is independent of any assumption about the distribution of the data. Jul 23, 2014 contents introduction assumptions of parametric and nonparametric tests testing the assumption of normality commonly used nonparametric tests applying tests in spss advantages of nonparametric tests limitations summary 3. The majority of elementary statistical methods are parametric, and parametric tests generally have higher statistical power. The run charts procedure performs tests by counting the number of runs above and below the median, and by counting the number of runs up and down. When using parametric tests it is necessary to make assumptions about the distribution of the data, whereas no such assumptions need to be made when using nonparametric methods. Do not require measurement so strong as that required for the parametric tests. Assumptions for statistical tests real statistics using excel. Parametric tests make inferences about the mean of a sample when a distribution is strongly skewed the center of the population is better represented by the median nonparametric tests make hypotheses about the median instead of the mean.

A nonparametric statistical test is a test whose model does not specify conditions about the parameters of the population from which the sample was drawn. When it comes to nonparametric tests, you can compare such groups and create a usual assumption and that will help the data for every group out there to spread. Kim 2006 reasoned that as the technology for conducting basic research continues to evolve, further analytical challenges could be expected. Usually, the parametric tests are known to be associated with strict assumptions about the underlying population distribution. Pdf differences and similarities between parametric and. T test as a parametric statistic pubmed central pmc. Differences and similarities between parametric and nonparametric statistics. Assumptions in parametric tests testing statistical assumptions in. Degrees of freedom whenever we estimate a parameter and. Sep 01, 2017 knowing the difference between parametric and nonparametric test will help you chose the best test for your research. First,thedataneedtobenormally distributed, which means all.

In statistical analysis, all parametric tests assume some certain characteristic about the data, also known as assumptions. The final factor that we need to consider is the set of assumptions of the test. As such, our statistics have been based on comparing means in order to calculate some. First,thedataneedtobenormally distributed, which means all data points must follow a bell. Nonparametric statistical procedures rely on no or few assumptions about the shape or. Dec 28, 2012 parametric and resampling statistics cont. A non parametric statistical test is a test whose model does not specify conditions about the parameters of the population from which the sample was drawn. And if those assumptions are violated, the conclusions based on those assumptions are going to be incorrect, as well. Differences and similarities between parametric and non parametric statistics.

Parametric tests make certain assumptions about a data set. Contents introduction assumptions of parametric and nonparametric tests testing the assumption of normality commonly used nonparametric tests applying tests in spss advantages of nonparametric tests limitations summary 3. Non parametric tests make fewer assumptions about the data set. Before using parametric test, some preliminary tests should be performed to make sure that the test assumptions are met. The second feature of parametric statistics, with which we are all familiar, is a set of assumptions about normality, homogeneity of variance, and independent errors. For instance, parametric tests assume that the sample has been randomly selected from the population it represents and that the distribution of data in the population has a known underlying distribution. Except the right statistical technique is used on a right data, the research result might not be valid and reliable. There are only 2 families tests based on summed ranks and tests using. Most nonparametric tests apply to data in an ordinal scale, and some apply to data in nominal scale. A statistical test used in the case of nonmetric independent variables, is called nonparametric test. Most common significance tests z tests, t tests, and f tests are parametric. And if those assumptions are violated, the conclusions based.

Parametric statistics are any statistical tests based on underlying assumptions about datas distribution. Typical assumptions for statistical tests, including normality, homogeneity of variances and independence. Know your subject matter can you justify the assumption of normality. One of the assumptions for most parametric tests to be reliable is that the data is approximately normally distributed.

As the name implies, non parametric tests do not require parametric assumptions because interval data are converted to rankordered data. Knowing the difference between parametric and nonparametric test will help you chose the best test for your research. Apr 17, 2015 when using parametric tests it is necessary to make assumptions about the distribution of the data, whereas no such assumptions need to be made when using non parametric methods. To put it another way, nonparametric tests require few if any assumptions about the shapes of the underlying population distributions.

I think it is helpful to think of the parametric statistician as sitting there visualizing two populations. If these assumptions are violated, the resulting statistics and conclusions will not be valid, and the tests may lack power relative to alternative tests. When appropriately applied, nonparametric methods are often more powerful than parametric methods if the assumptions for the parametric model cannot be met. These tests correlation, ttest and anova are called parametric tests, because their validity depends on the distribution of the data. The randomness is mostly related to the assumption that the data has been obtained from a random sample.

Equal variances between treatments homogeneity of variances homoscedasticity 3. Sometimes when one of the key assumptions of such a test is violated, a nonparametric test can be used instead. The p value for parametric tests depends upon a normal sampling distribution. Testing for randomness is a necessary assumption for the statistical analysis. Several parametric and alternate nonparametric tests. In other words, parametric statistics are based on the parameters of the normal curve. Aug 29, 2016 parametric inferential statistics are built on certain assumptions about the data.

Almost all of the most commonly used statistical tests rely of the adherence to some distribution function such as the normal distribution. Certain assumptions are associated with most non parametric statistical tests, namely. These tests correlation, t test and anova are called parametric tests, because their validity depends on the distribution of the data. For instance, parametric tests assume that the sample has been randomly selected from the population it represents and that the distribution of data in the population has a known underlying.

If the violations are severe, the investigator may transform. Parametric and nonparametric tests for comparing two or. Nonparametric tests are statistical tests used when the data represent a nominal or ordinal level scale or when assumptions required for parametric tests cannot be met, specifically, small sample sizes, biased samples, an inability to determine the relationship between sample and population, and unequal variances between the sample and population. Before using parametric test, we should perform some preleminary tests to make sure that the test assumptions are met.

The experimental errors of your data are normally distributed 2. Parametric tests make assumptions about the parameters of a population, whereas nonparametric tests do not include such assumptions or include fewer. Alternative approach i both the zand the t tests depend on an underlying assumption. That is, they make assumptions about the underlying distributions, including normality and equality of variances between groups.

Error type, power, assumptions parametric tests parametric vs. The normal distribution peaks in the middle and is symmetrical about the mean. Parametric tests are those that make assumptions about the parameters of the population distribution from which the sample is drawn. There is the independent t test, which can be used when the two groups under comparison are independent of each other, and the paired t test, which can be used. These characteristics and conditions are expressed in the assumptions of the tests. Parametric statistical procedures rely on assumptions about the shape of the distribution. For sequential data, run tests may be performed to determine whether or not the data come from a random process. Nonparametric statistical tests if you have a continuous outcome such as bmi, blood pressure, survey score, or gene expression and you want to perform some sort of statistical test, an important consideration is whether you should use the standard parametric tests like ttests or anova vs. Because parametric statistics are based on the normal curve, data must meet certain assumptions, or parametric statistics cannot be calculated.